Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 8

It's been a week now that I've been reading the bible everyday. I actually missed my reading yesterday b/c it was a really long and tiring day but otherwise I've been on track and I can tell that it's already making a noticeable difference. Pastor Jae made a good point last week saying that anytime you immerse yourself in something, it inevitably creeps into your life whether you like it or not. I'm looking forward to bringing about more positive change in the way I am by continuing to read and meditate on the book that our faith is rooted in.

Nov 8: Gen 29-31
These few chapters are filled with lies, deception, and jealousy that it's basically the bible version of the jerry springer show. The story of Jacob and how he ends up marrying both Leah and Rachel b/c he was deceived by their father Laban are found in these chapters. He then has like 50 kids or so it seems with Leah, Rachel and both their maidservants. Finally, he's fed up with Laban and takes off with his daughters and the flock he accumulated. You can tell things are just going to get messy and God probably wants us to learn something here. Don't lie. It usually seems easier and you feel like you can avoid a headache by lying but it's just going to catch up to you and become even worse than before. It's amazing how much you can learn from just the first 30 chapters of the bible. Not things that only mattered thousands of years ago, but things we can directly use in our lives now and that's why this is the book our religion is grounded upon. Pastor Jae said today in his sermon that salvation is free, but sanctification we must work on. The easiest way to becoming sanctified is being immersed in the word of God.


  1. santification takes a life time. sucks.

  2. hahaha. ^ dave.

    yeah. till the day we day, we are going to struggle with humility. dang. gonna be so hard. but through suffering comes perseverance, perseverance comes character, and character, hope. and hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the holy spirit, whom he has given us [romans 5] :D :)
