Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 10

Nov 10: Gen 36-38
One thing I've been working on lately is trying to be obedient to God. In chapter 38, God gives me a little more reason to do this. It doesn't say how, but God put to death the first two sons of Judah, who was the son of Jacob, b/c he saw wickedness in them. I don't want my obedience to necessarily stem from fear of God, moreso from love for God, but at the same time I think I need to realize that God is capable of anything at anytime and that I should always have a little fear in me b/c of this. This should also push me to resist any temptations to sin. There are so many times throughout even 1 day where you can just say whatever and give in to temptation, from getting road rage, to dealing with difficult people at work to just being too complacent once you get home. But I think if we look at these temptations as a way to succeed instead of as a way to fail, it will be so much more rewarding. Everytime I don't get pissed at that stupid driver, everytime I don't get fed up with that difficult co-worker, and everytime I come home and read as opposed to laying in bed is a chance to worship God in those instances by saying I choose to obey you rather than say whatever.


  1. amen.
    love how youre keeping this up! My mind has been blank lately..
    you're very encouraging though..

  2. true that. Christianity is always a choice! so lets make the right one.

  3. AMEN.
    i heard from a sermon that "fear" is not just immediately fearing his power (which is true) but fear of straying away.

    i want to fear God more and more-!
