Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 79

I was able to read before I went to bed and on the plane rides on my trip to Costa Rica so I've been keeping up with my readings. I'm excited to get this back into my routine, but please give me any ideas on how I can keep this fresh for myself as it gets tough at times.

Jan 18: 1 Samuel 22-27
Obedience is driven by strong faith and love for God and this is demonstrated so many times by David starting with him killing Goliath. The storyline I want to focus on though in these chapters is how David spares King Saul's life twice when he has a clear chance to kill him. Saul has become incredibly jealous after hearing his people say that "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands," and has been on the search to find and kill David.
Both times, David catches Saul sleeping. The first time, he cuts off a piece of his robe and the second time, he takes his spear and water jug to show Saul that he has no intention of killing him.
This kind of obedience and faith by David is what I need to strive for. One that puts God's law above all else, even when there is a direct threat on his life that he could do away with. It's not easy but I think the way to get to that level is to be obedient with little things first. As you become more and more in tune with God's laws as opposed to your own desires, it will become easier and easier to follow Him regardless of what the situation is.

Deuteronomy 28:1 says, "If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth."


  1. i love the story of David and Saul... David is the frickin man!!!
    RESPECT and HONOR first and God will provide..

  2. "obedience is driving by strong faith and love for God" --Amen to that!
